Outgrown Tater

It had been awhile, since I walked through the doors of our local independent toy store that we used to frequent often for “incentives” or bribes if I’m being honest.

Today, we had thirty minutes left of our babysitting time and thought we would stop in before we headed home.

Like most parents, our thoughts and discussions tend to weave back to the kid even when we are out for a grown up meal and a responsible babysitter is supervising.

Before long, we quickly realized that like Pottery Barn for Kids or Mini Boden, this establishment was now joining the list of “places my kid has outgrown.”

“But he’s only nine…He’s not supposed to have already outgrown a toy store!”

While I said these words of disbelief out loud, my insides knew it was true.

He had done the rock excavating kit, the wind up bath toys, the bouncy balls, and the spy paraphernalia.

There were only a few board games that he would now tolerate and while he secretly enjoyed a few plush stuffed friends, he wasn’t requesting any additional buddies.

Although he still enjoyed Legos, it has been years since he played with the rounder, bulkier Playmobile figurines and their accompaniments.

“I hate to say it but…he’s more of a ‘GameStop, Apple store, iTunes, give me cash’ type of kid now.”

I knew she was right, but that happened just too fast.

In the past, a revolution like this might have made me cry. I remember mourning the kids shoe department when we were told that we needed to move ourselves to the men’s shoes.

It happened so fast. Faster than anyone could have told me.  Maybe it happened so quickly because there were so many days that were so rough and messy, I seemed to hold my breath to get through them.

We were begging for maturity; for more patience, for social skills and stamina.

Now that we are a homeschooling family, our days don’t have the same hang-on-for-dear-life type of feeling as they did before. I long for this parenting thing to slow down now.

I’m not sure what store or department will be outgrown next, but I hope it won’t happen soon.

I want to linger in this moment of single digits while I still can! I know it won’t last long.

As your child grew, what store or stages did you miss?








4 thoughts on “Outgrown Tater

  1. Gift-giving is so much more difficult when they reach that stage. Books, video games, and electronics became the go-to items for us. Really not as much fun.

  2. My son is outgrowing toys too at only seven. I can continue to buy him toys for Christmas, but it would be wasting my money. He prefers sports stuff, video games and clothes. It seems way too young to me. I played barbies until I was well into middle school, which I know is excessive.

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