4 thoughts on “CONTACT ME

  1. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us! It is like you are talking about my child! It is so comforting to know that other people know the challenges I live and that they have survived. I have to tell you that we have a love hate (being from me) relationship with Mine Craft!! It is the only thing that matters, at least for now! I look forward to reading and keeping up with you! I will try to find time to read the books you suggest too!! Time is very limited now that I am so far from help!!

    • I am so glad that the blog helps!! I really wished that I had found something like this when I started my journey! I know how valuable time is…the books do help! Also, check out the websites! Keep following me and contact me with other questions! Breathe…it does get easier!

    • Thank you for the huge honor! I truly appreciate it 🙂 I know that there are other obligations when accepting this award and I don’t know that I can live up to those expectations. I do appreciate the award in the manner it was given to me 🙂

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